Almabtrieb in Mayrhofen

It was the last Almabtrieb for this summer in Mayrhofen yesterday.  Almabtrieb is when the farmers bring their cows down to the valley from the high pastures where they have been all summer.  Traditionally, it was a good excuse for a party.  The tradition has continued and now it is a great day out for locals and tourists. The cows walk down to the valley in the morning, sometimes as far as 30kms.  They are then cleaned up, decorated with flowers and are walked down the main street.  Tourists come to watch the cows and take pictures of them in their finery.  They also enjoy the beer and Bratwurst, music and dancing, and, of course, the schnapps!
Almabtrieb is a sure sign that winter is on it’s way!  The days are warm, the nights are cool and the leaves are changing colour.  It won’t be long now before the mountains tops are white.