Rastkogel and thunderstorms

Some pretty cows that were just waiting for someone looking for a photo opportunity.  Last Sunday morning…

We found it!

Well it’s been a while since I wrote something on here…  2 months, in fact.  For most…

Hochfügen 50th Seilrennen

Hochfügen celebrated the 50th Rope Race (Seilrennen) last weekend at the 8er Alm.  After the race was…

A grey sort of day

The whole of the drive up from Fügen to Hochfügen today was in fog and cloud, in…

Winter came back!

A few days of sunshine brought spring to the valley…  All the snow disappeared, the grass went…

Big Mountain Hochfügen

Due to the distraction of two of the busiest weeks of the ski season, I completely managed…

Amazing Day in Hochfügen

After snowing all day on Friday the clouds cleared out during the night and the temperature went…